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Sala Court Case: Update

Trust chair Keith Morgan provides an update on Cardiff City Football Club’s (CCFC) claim against FC Nantes over the Emiliano Sala transfer.

I have previously provided Trust members with regular updates on this matter, and the linked issue of a legal action against the agent involved Willie McKay. Discussions with sources involved now enable me to provide the following further update.

FC Nantes` initial defence to Cardiff City`s damages claim in May last year was lodged in November and was considered by CCFC to be a very poor one as its basis was that Willie McKay did not act for them in the transfer and did nothing wrong.

Since the lodging of the defence CCFC commenced an action against Willie McKay to discover documentation and correspondence contradicting FC Nantes` defence claims. This action is not yet finalised but is progressing.

CCFC has now lodged a more detailed claim with the Commercial Court in Nantes setting out Willie McKay`s negligent actions leading to the fatal plane crash where Emiliano Sala tragically lost his life and why, under French law, his actions as their agent makes FC Nantes liable for CCFC`s consequent financial loss. The claim is in excess of Euros 100m.

Leading football analysts have forecast the probability of Cardiff City not being relegated if Sala had played at 54%-62%.

A judge is due to review the updated claim document tomorrow (Monday, April 22).

Keith Morgan, Chair


Trust Condemns Axing Of FA Cup Replays

Keith Morgan, Trust Chair

Trust chair Keith Morgan has written to members about the axing of FA Cup Replays from the 1st Round and the latest in the football governance bill’s progress through Parliament.

Dear Members

Axing FA Cup Replays

You will have read that the FA and Premier League have agreed to axe FA Cup replays without full consultation with the English Football League (EFL). This is outrageous.

We all know how important FA Cup runs are for smaller clubs and often save some from a financial crisis.

The way this change has been pushed through without any consideration of fans is simply not acceptable. Over 700 clubs enter the FA Cup, yet it seems the format is being dictated by the so-called Big Six or Seven. We suspect that many of their fans will also not support the action.

Replays are very much part of the history and magic of the FA Cup and for that to be removed from Round One is just not on. It treats smaller teams and fans with contempt.

I’ve been in touch with the Football Supporters’ Association (FSA) to raise our concerns and they will be holding an emergency council meeting on Tuesday, April 23, to discuss the response of fans. They will be discussing a range of options for a protest.

Football Governance

Members will recall the involvement of the Trust in efforts to give fans a greater say in the running of clubs.

On Tuesday in Parliament, there is the second reading of the Bill that will also lead to the appointment of an Independent Regulator for our sport.

I’m pleased to say that the Bill has the support of both front benches of the two main political parties as well as MPs from smaller parties, so hopefully its path through Parliament will be smooth and become law before the forthcoming g UK General Election.

We are pleased that many of our local MPs are actively supporting the legislation.

 Keith Morgan


Trust Board Appeals To Vincent Tan Over Manager’s Future

Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust Board today issued a statement today because of growing uncertainty over the future of manager Erol Bulut.

The Board said: “We are reliably informed that the decision on who shall be the club’s manager for the 2024-25 season, and on what terms, has been solely in the hands of club owner Vincent Tan for some time.

“The Trust Board understands that as of today he has not made a decision on whether or not a new contract should be offered to the current manager Erol Bulut or the search should begin for a new manager.

“We strongly urge the owner to make that decision as speedily as possible to remove growing uncertainties and disquiet amongst fans about the matter. Cardiff City fans deserve certainty, given that at this time they are being asked to renew their season tickets or become new season ticket holders.”



Season Ticket Prices

The Fans’ Advisory Board, on which the Trust has two representatives, has welcomed the club’s announcement on season ticket prices for next season.

FAB described the rises as fair and said they represented considerable value.

Keith Morgan, Trust Chair

Trust chair Keith Morgan, who is a member of FAB, said: “The increase represents around 10%  more across the board which follows many years of prices being frozen. Match-day prices will also be rising. Cardiff City’s season ticket prices compare very favourably with others in the Championship.

“I’m pleased that there will be a 12-month finance offer through V12 to spread the cost of season tickets. We’re waiting to hear the interest rates.”

Season tickets will go on sale on Friday, April 5th. For more information click the link:



Campaign Raising Awareness Of Young People Losing Their Lives After Sudden Cardiac Death

The British Heart Foundation has asked us to make members aware of a campaign to tie in with this year’s Euros to raise awareness that 12 young people lose their lives every week due to sudden cardiac death in the UK.

Raw Research, working for BHF, is looking to speak to the families of young people (aged 35 and under) who lost their lives due to a sudden cardiac death in the last 20 years and were also football fans.

The plan is to paint beautiful murals of 12 football supporters who are no longer with us, dressed in their national side football kit (12 to represent the 12 young people who lose their lives each week). They are looking to speak to families of supporters of Wales, England, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

“Each mural will also have some information about the person as part of the tribute to them. Their story will be treated with the utmost sensitivity – we’d work closely with each person’s family to plan what the mural would look like. All families will be supported throughout by the BHF’s Heart Stories team and the production team,” said Raw Research.

This new campaign aims to change people’s perceptions of heart and circulatory diseases, highlighting that it doesn’t discriminate and can happen to anyone at any age. If you’re interested and would like to speak to us please email with ‘BHF’ in the subject line.

Details on the project are also available by clicking on the link