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Andy Legg and Jason Perry with Rob Phillips at the Duke of Clarence, Cardiff

A report from a Trust member

A superb night of football chat, stories and banter was delivered with great gusto and wit at this Trust-organised social event.

The format for the evening was simple – three chairs, a table, a microphone, and three sharply dressed men.

BBC Wales football commentator and voice of reason Rob Phillips was in the central midfield holding role with Jason ‘Psycho’ Perry and housewives’ favourite Andy Legg on the flanks.  

The evening began with Rob discussing with the lads how they got into football, their general views of Cardiff City and Wales, and a variety of stories from down the years. That was followed by questions from the floor.

There were many interesting opinions and some hilarious tales which could have filled a book. Andy Legg dressing up as a female during a night out in Swansea was one story that caught my attention. Here are some other highlights:

  • Both Leggy and Jason clearly love the game and felt very lucky to have been paid for playing it.
  • Jason had trials with several bigger clubs but knew he had made the right decision joining Cardiff.
  • Both felt that safe standing should be a part of football while respecting the reasons why all-seater stadia were brought in. 
  • Leggy told tales of how Robbie Savage would wind up opponents at every opportunity.  
  • Both agreed that John Toshack was probably the best option for Wales at this time, given the limitations in the number of available players. 
  • They both had players they feared or respected during their career  
  • All clubs had drinkers, and ranters and ravers in their dressing rooms, and in the old days Cardiff and Swansea were no different.  
  • Leggy told us he felt the crowd was a major factor in the club’s famous FA Cup victory over Leeds United. He said the Premiership stars simply froze on the day. Leggy revealed that he was told by the management to wind up Alan Smith as soon as they met in the tunnel and Gavin Gordon was under instructions to get stuck straight into Rio Ferdinand.  
  • Leggy was very frustrated not to be offered a fair deal to stay at Cardiff after the Play-Off win. He said Lennie Lawrence wanted him to stay, but Sam Hammam simply stepped in the way and made a deal on fair terms impossible.  
  • Leggy said from time to time there are players in the League of Wales he sees that could make the grade at a higher level and thinks a shake-up of that league is needed. 
  • Joe Ledley was very highly praised by Jason and Leggy. The latter says he has spoken to Joe many times following his injury and the Bluebirds midfielder has been determined to play as soon as possible. 
  • Both worked under Frank Burrows and had differing opinions of his management style. Jason said he could really put the fear into people. 
  • Jason told us that the dressing room dynamics were vital to success. He and Nathan Blake would often disagree but when they were on the pitch they knew they could trust each other. Leggy agreed this was very important. Blakey was said to be very different from his laid back image. He was more than capable of looking after himself on the pitch when required to do so.  
  • Leggy told us of the hilarious phone calls from Jason Bowen who refused to sign for Cardiff City until Leggy confirmed the stick he had been getting for being a former Swansea player had died down.  
  • Leggy was genuinely moved and grateful for the support Cardiff fans had given him during his illness. Leggy told us he would never forget it. He told the audience he was doing well and was in remission – news which was very warmly applauded by those in attendance.  
  • All three guests said the recent derby games had been superb. Rob Phillips told us of a Radio Five Live colleague who had remarked on the intensity, declaring: “This really is a proper derby, isn’t it?!” That was before the game had even started! 
  • The lads revealed that the great Billy Ayre had once waited outside in the car park for a player who had been bullying some of Cardiff’s youngsters on the pitch. However, the player made his escape by a different entrance as Billy was known to be a real hard nut.  

The evening was a great success. Special thanks to landlord Eric Harmer, who provided hospitality to the guests, and to the guests themselves. They provided some superb entertainment. 

I am sure Rob Phillips could write a book with his tales from behind the microphone and computer. Rob, in fact, got so carried away chatting to a few interested listeners at the bar at the end of the night that his steak went cold!


The Fred Keenor Statue Committee is delighted to announce that the South Wales Echo will be backing the campaign to raise funds to erect a statue in honour of the captain of the 1927 FA Cup winning team.

This follows a meeting between Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust board member David Craig, Fred’s nephew, Graham Keenor and Trust Press Officer Phillip Nifield and Echo Editor Mike Hill and Chief Reporter Abby Alford.

David Craig, who is project manager for the appeal, said: “We’re really delighted that the Echo has agreed to support the campaign by publicising the  efforts to raise the around £85,000 needed to meet the cost of the project.

“We have already received £1,000 from the Trust and a pledge of £15,000 from Cardiff council but the official fundraising will be kicked off on Friday, April 23rd – the 83rd anniversary of the famous FA Cup Final victory.

“We’ve started writing to local businesses and other organisations to ask for their support but the key to our success will be the support of individual fans of Cardiff City in South Wales, across the UK and the world. They can make it happen.

Graham Keenor added: “Fred was a Cardiff lad so I’m really pleased that the Echo, which has been an integral part of city life for more than a century, is getting behind our campaign. The  Echo has reported on the ups and downs of Cardiff City over the decades and remains a popular read for many Bluebirds fans.

“We believe the efforts of Fred and the rest of the 1927 team have not received the public recognition they deserve. We aim to put that right.”

Donations can be made to:

The Co-operative Bank

Account name:-   Fred Keenor Statue Fund or FKSF
Account no    65392368
Sort Code     08-92-99
Cheques can be sent c/o CCST to PO Box 4254, Cardiff, CF14 8FD. 
Please add the words "Fred Keenor Appeal" on the top of the envelope.


Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust Chairman Tim Hartley and board member Anthony Wedlake have met potential Cardiff City Football Club investor Dato’ Chan Tien Ghee (TG).

The meeting areas covered were potential future investment in the club, potential future strategies and TG’s affinity and commitment to Cardiff City Football Club.

A summary of key points discussed during the meeting were:


  • Any investment is NOT conditional on CCFC reaching the Premiership this season.
  • The final pieces of the ‘jigsaw’ are still to be finalised. Discussions are progressing with all key stakeholders (by stakeholders, we believe, that they would include PMG, key directors and other important creditors).
  • It should be seen as extremely positive that prominent directors have put their own money into the club to cover immediate expenses (e.g. the players’ wages) that have fallen due. The payments were unlikely to have been made without progress being made as part of the wider efforts to increase investment.

Future Financial Strategy

  • TG believes that there are major costs that the club has incurred in previous financial years that need not be repeated in future financial years.
  • He also believes that the club is not fulfilling its current potential for additional revenue streams (e.g. conferencing).
  • Having a major Malaysian investor in the club opens up key parts of the football mad Far East to revenue generating opportunities that are currently only available to the top English Premiership clubs – that’s not to say we’d raise the same amount of revenue as these clubs, but we’d be able to leverage the potential.

‘TG’ the City Fan

  • He is definitely a businessman first and a football fan second. If the deal is not there, he won’t make emotional decisions that are contrary to any positive business case. He also has corporate governance in place within his own organisation that will challenge any deal that doesn’t stack up.
  • However, he is definitely a fan. Sunday’s game between Cardiff City and Swansea City reinforced his commitment. Given the relatively short period of time he has been involved with the club, he is remarkably well informed.
  • TG revealed there were issues about the way the deal was being handled before Christmas but decided not to walk away because of his affinity to the club and the potential to make a deal.
  • He is not the type of potential investor we’ve seen previously who is keen to hog the limelight. If he has something to say, he’ll say it, if not he’ll say nothing – a good example is from the game against Swansea. He was asked by the press to comment on the win, he refused on the basis that it was Dave Jones’ day and the team’s day and not his. He was genuinely pleased that he could find no reference to him in any of the many Sunday papers in front of him that reported on the Swansea game. Another example is that until the Trust issued a press release, there were significant elements of the South Wales press that did not know he was returning to South Wales at Easter.


  • It is clear that a deal to secure the financial future of the club is not yet in place.
  • We believe, having met the man and entered into several e-mail exchanges, that TG has the will and financial acumen to help take the club forward. We believe him to be credible. We have agreed to stay close over the coming weeks.
  • Tim Hartley has made clear the support of the Trust as a ‘critical friend’ in the weeks ahead. The Trust will not, however, give unquestioning support.

Tim Hartley, Chairman of Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust, said: “We were delighted that TG took time out of his very busy schedule to talk to the Trust.

“He appreciated that the Trust was a democratically elected set up to speak on behalf of the fans while it gave the Trust an insight into TG and his interest in Cardiff City. It is clear that a deal to secure the financial future of the club is not yet in place although we remain very hopeful that agreement can be reached.

“We did agree to remain in contact with TG over the coming crucial weeks in the future of Cardiff City.”


A COMMUNITY event staged by Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust has won recognition from the UK-wide Supporters Direct movement.

The initiative to engage with minority communities living around the stadium is now being trumpeted as good practice which can be used by other Trusts.

In an email newsletter, Supporters Direct said: “This month we wanted to highlight some of the great community projects that Trusts are delivering around the country, so the first half of the April update is dedicated to just that.

“A well thought out and executed project can help foster strong partnerships amongst key stakeholders, and give a healthy boost to the profile of the trust.”

The community event was organised last September by the Cardiff City Trust, partnered by the British Council. Around 100 local people attended along with representatives of the Trust and Cardiff City management and players. SA Brain has also provided sponsorship for the event.

Trust board member Tracey Marsh, who organised the event, said: “The Trust is delighted that our community event is being showcased by Supporters Direct as an example of good practice.

“The Trust believes it is important to engage with communities living around the new stadium where there is huge untapped potential support for Cardiff City.”

The Trust also organised a questionnaire to get a better understanding of the feelings of the local community towards the football club.

The Trust is holding a five-a-side community soccer tournament at the Gol Centre in Leckwith on Sunday, April 25th, and a Battle of Bands event in June is also planned as part of a series of community-based initiatives.