Author Archive: admin


All Trust members are invited to a General Meeting of the Cardiff City Supporters’ Society Ltd (Cardiff City Supporters’ Trust). It will be held at 7 p.m. on Thursday, July 22nd, at the Duke of Clarence pub in Clive Road, Canton, Cardiff.

The only formal business of the meeting is to seek the approval of members for the audited accounts of the Cardiff City Supporters’ Society Ltd for the period August 4th, 2008 to December 31st, 2009.

We ask all members to attend if at all possible because  we need a quorum to ensure  the accounts are approved and filed with the Financial Services Authority

Following the formal business (which should not take long), there will be an opportunity for members to meet and raise any issues and discuss matters with Directors of the Trust.

We look forward to meeting and chatting with you.


Following a recent discussion on internet message boards, the Trust Board wishes to clarify its rules and policy concerning co-opting people onto the Trust Board.

At its inception, the Cardiff City Supporters Trust (CCST) was obliged by the Financial Services Authority (FSA) to adopt a set of rules based on those developed by the Supporters Direct organisation to govern Supporters Trusts. These rules included making provision for co-opting non-elected people onto the Trust Board. Despite objections from the founders of the Trust, Supporters Direct was adamant this rule was included.

The current rules of the CCST then do allow for people to be co-opted onto the Board. However, the rules also clearly state that elected Board members must always be in a majority over non-elected Board members so that the democratic principles of the Trust are maintained.

The rules about co-opting people allow the Board to bring specific expertise to bear on specific issues. They give examples of people who may be co-opted such as a Local Authority representative, a disabled supporters’ representative, a local businessperson or a representative of a community scheme. Many other clubs have successfully co-opted such members to their Boards and have found their input very valuable. Any decision to co-opt a non-elected Board member would have to be discussed by the Board as a group before any such invitation were issued.

Up to now, the CCST Board has not co-opted anyone onto the Board so all the current Board members have been elected by the membership. The Trust Board wishes to make it clear to members that it has no plans at present to depart from this approach.


Bluebirds fanatic Jayne Hughes has organised a football match between supporters who use Annis Abraham’s Message Board (AAMB) and those that post on Mike Morris’ board (CCMB) in aid of the Fred Keenor Statue Fund Appeal.

It kicks off at 2pm on Sunday, August 22, on the under-16’s pitch at Leckwith, opposite the Cardiff City Stadium.

Jayne, who is from Caerau, Ely, said: “Ex-City stars Damon Searle and Scott Young have agreed to act as managers for the two teams.

“A great fun day for all is promised with music from Wiggy of Real Radio, a raffle with some great prizes and activities for children including a penalty shoot, and it’s all for a good cause. We’ll be there from 1pm.” City half-time announcer Wayne Crichton has also accepted an invitation to attend.

Team photographs will be taken at pitch side at the stadium before the game with the sides having use of the changing rooms. The Premier Lounge (Level 4) will be after the game for the presentation of trophies and the raffle draw. Each competing player is contributing £20.

Statue fund project manager David Craig said: “We thank Jayne so much for her great work in putting together this event in aid of the fund. We hope that other supporters will follow her lead and organise their own events – it can be a jumble sale, coffee morning, whatever you want to do.”

On the day players will shower and change at the ground and have a tour of the stadium. Half-hour tours for everyone else are available starting from 4pm and running until 5.30pm. The cost is just £2 for adults and £1 for children.


Trust Board members Tim Hartley and Mike Roderick met with the club’s Chief Executive Gethin Jenkins and Finance Director Doug Lee this afternoon following the media speculation about the future of the club.
We sought clarity on the debt owed to Langston and were told that the agreement to repay £10 million in instalments is still in place. This agreement requires Cardiff City Football Club to make monthly payments to Langston. We were assured that every such payment has been made and that those payments will continue to be made until any new arrangement for the repayment of the debt is agreed. Talks are envisaged with Langston and other creditors as the club deals with its outstanding debts. All players and staff at the club have been paid this month. There was a slight delay in this month’s payroll as certain international transactions can be problematic. The club will try to ensure that there are no such delays in the future.

Former Chairman Peter Ridsdale has a short term consultancy agreement and is available to the club as and when required. The transfer of Michael Chopra was always subject to a series of staged payments and the club are looking at options to finalise payments with Sunderland.

The club apologises for any inconvenience caused by the cancellation of the pre-season tour to Malaysia. This was done due to problems with the logistics and the timings and was in no way a reflection of the facilities on offer in Malaysia. Two supporters who had already booked flights to Malaysia have contacted the club and have been invited to meet with the club. Other supporters who are in a similar position are welcome to contact the club but they say they are not in a position to offer any financial assistance.

The tone of the meeting was open and friendly and I would like to think that the Trust now has a genuine dialogue with the club’s officials. TG’s open letter to us helped clear the air. It is important now that we are not distracted and ensure stability and support for the club as we head towards another exciting season.

Tim Hartley


Dear Supporters Trust, Supporters Club and all Cardiff City supporters,

As you will be aware there has been much conjecture in recent days over various issues surrounding the Club.

I wanted to write this short note to reaffirm our commitment and support to the Club and take the opportunity to thank you for your continuing support.

I reiterate the point made in the press statement yesterday, namely, the Club re-affirms its primary aim is to get the organisation back on a sensible and balanced business footing and to work through the challenges of the various debts, cash flow issues and other basic business functions in order to get the Football Club competing at the highest levels both on and off the pitch.

I am sure you will agree this is a sensible and vital first aim.

With regards to the media speculation regarding Sam Hammam, again as stated yesterday the only contact we have had is through the Clubs solicitors and is in regards to addressing the Langston agreement. I would stress that the comments are unhelpful, misfounded, inaccurate and self serving.

As of yet no meeting has been set up and I have had no direct dialogue with Mr Hammam. If there is to be a meeting, I will be accompanied by the Club’s solicitor and it will be to discuss a final settlement and timing of the whole Langston issue.

As for the postponement of the Malaysia trip, the timings and logistics didn’t make it viable for the season and we look to reorganise for next year when dates etc can be confirmed well in advance. I stress the postponement was done with our full agreement.

As stated we remain committed to Cardiff City and hope that our actions over the coming months will prove this.

Thanks for your continued support.

